Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mt Jefferson and Mt Washington Wilderness

As we approached Mt Jefferson the clouds rolled in and the mozzies started to swarm.  The most imposing obstacle in front of us was a 7000' snow covered pass that drops us into a steep bowl, not the place to be on a cloudy day.  We rolled into Olallie Lake Resort and waited for our bid at the pass.  The first morning we woke up to rain so we spent the day in waiting mode.  The next morning was clear, this was our shot.  The clouds stayed high and we only made one navigation error, which was pretty good considering some of the highly technical aspects that we encountered.  The snow fields were stunning and Mt Jefferson loomed, reminding us of the amazing place we were in that so few people get the chance to experience.

I had been traveling with my new friend Crazy Cloud through the most dangerous snowy bits, safety in numbers.  After a long day we came across Lake Pamelia.  The sun was still out and we eagerly dropped our packs (and other articles) and plunged into the crisp water for a rare chance to wash off the layers of sweat and grime.  After getting out and drying out bodies in the sun we realized there were hikers with day packs and a family just down the coast setting up camp.  There are many times we seem to come in the back door.  Spending many days in the backcountry, at times it is difficult to tell how close we are to civilization.  Most people are keen to hear of our adventures and also eager to see if we need anything... the marshmallows were super tasty!!!

And for a small reprieve,  we are spending a day in Eugene, OR with a very good friend from college.  Last night was an odd case of being within a half mile and totally missing each other.  Of course without cell phones the best we could do was keep looking.  Finally, at 11pm, Chris Boveroux was driving back home from Mackenzie Pass with a very tired hiker and traildog in his car.  A true Trail Angel!!!!!

For the rest of Oregon Highlands we are expecting to encounter a bizarre combination of snow and swarms of mosquitoes.  All part of the adventure!!!

Happy Trails!
Beads & Roxtar


  1. Laura and Roxi,
    I wish you both the best with your new adventure. You and Roxi are both amazing and what you guys are doing is an awesome thing for the animals that need our help. I admire you both so much. I have recently helped a little fellow out who needed some serious help and fast. He is now 8 weeks old (I have had him for 4 weeks). He is a small white kitten with a huge heart and a very large personality and sense of adventure, he currently answers to the name Boo Boo and gets along great with my 9 month old twins Gypsy and Jasper, and Boo Boo would eat just about anything you placed in front of him, I am sure of it. I look forward to keeping up with your adventure. Tell Roxi I said Hi and I miss you both! I wish you guys the best.

    Your friend,
    Memphis, TN

    ps. I have been through a lot and have come through it all a much better person. I truly admire your spirit and giving heart Laura. You are an amazing person and I see now just how amazing you truly are and how fortunate I am to have had the chance to get to know you and Roxi.

    “Storms make trees grow deeper roots.”

  2. Great to see yet another blog entry up! We ordered 1000 advertisement cards to send out all over town and the next town to get the word out on what you are doing. Great Job and keep it up!!
